That particular tuesday morning, I was particularly in a good mood, so I was very excited to come to the class.The lesson went as usual and here comes to Am's group to take in charge on creativity games times! They asked each group to bring out 20 recycle papers. We need to create the tower using only
limited 20 papers So I was selected to represent as a leader to conduct the process of building the tower. Little did I know this title would turn out to be not so advantage as I can only help my groupmates by giving instructions. And plus, they didnt allow to talk and with one hand only to make the tower a succes. How can it become possible? Can you imagine that? Hahaha we eventually did it ok!
Our tower explains how perfect coordination of our group is, so with that reason, we came up with the second highest tower but our group also nominated for the most work-team in groups. I felt bad cause knowing we had lost the title, but I value my group efforts the most. We end up together as a team, and the sheer of joy knowing that I had moral support in my lowest momen
Liyana Adlina,
2 SMBB Faculty Of Biosciences & Medical Engineering, UTM
As a leader for group,what kind of experience that u got?