Tuesday, 5 April 2016

The Test still on

       The day before the actual day of test happened, the whole utm were run out of electricity, andsome of us were even struggling to get some water. The situation brings us no joy to revise effectively for the test. So we just tried our luck by texting dr, with the light of hope our suggestions for postpone the test is acceptable, but yeah, we need to demolish that thought far from our mind. This is just a perfect evidence of why you should not do last minute cramming.we will actually be in a good stand when it comes to the time to prepare for the test if we having a regular revision of what being taught.

No regretslesson learned.

Best regards, 

Liyana Adlina,                                                                                                                                                           2 SMBB Faculty Of Biosciences & Medical Engineering,UTM

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