Wednesday, 27 April 2016

XOXO Tricky

It's Sinnie group that opening the second session of game since it's has been started last week, everyone was kind of excited to play. But before Sinnie's group proceed with their game, Dr asked us to define what is creativity. Me and Zee came up with the the idea that creativity is when the mind brings imagination to reality.

Basically the concept of the game is, you need to run while holding the pingpong ball by using pingpong equipment, if your ball falls down when you picking the magnet, then you have to turn back & start again. If you manage to bring the ball till the end line, you can immediately grab either X or O letter and paste it on the whiteboard.I was naturally supremely confident of my focussing for the task, imma ready gais! Hahahaa.Confidence can be they major key also.

We certainly learnt the error of our ways fast when we realized that this game is affected by our not so focus in balancing the pingpong racket, here I gave you some tips to deal with this game, physco-ing other group to disturb their focus hahahaha. This game really fun in an enjoyable manner. We were very chaos therefore Dr suggest that the upcoming activities should be held outdoors.

 I should thank this group because the idea of the games inculcated like ''catching'' and ''tag''. We have so much fun that sometimes we do no realize that we have run many laps!I was super sweating. It was fun bonding times with my classmates! I realize what is was like to be in a team spirit.

Xoxo games,

Liyana Adlina,
2 SMBB Faculty Of Biosciences & Medical Engineering, UTM

Friday, 22 April 2016

Favourite Session-Games

Hi! I'm back! 

I hope you find it in your hearts to forgive me for my irregular posting and updating my blogs.I hope you're at peace with wherever you are in life, and that your first quarter of 2016 was good. I was hardly ever in my assigned room. I was only bunking in my desk in JKM, I could never find time, I blame myself for not dividing my time perfectly.  

So the prospect of having a chance to play in the middle of class is certainly an exciting one.This is because such a game would entail a lot of things like decision- making and risk taking.Such necessary steps are an integral part of learning to deal with working life later.When Dr decide to continue with this learning style, I noticed that people come to class very often and yeah, this kind of learning might be effective to us.

So for the first group, it's Azreen group yeay! We have been asked to sit in a big circle and and we have been selected to play either role as an innocent Spongebob, a tricky Patricks or the antagonist Plankton. 

As the first round get started, we are still in the state of confusion and easily be deceived. Many of us end up being disillusioned by their high expectations. Those were play their roles are good present a good image of them so that people won't notice that they are actually the black sheep in the group. Such culprits on this game, we call it as plankton may anytime attack their prey which is Spongebob by double winking their eyes. The patrick can also help the plankton by taking an active role in pretending to blink eyes twicely. It's not easy to influece people but what can I say, they did almost a good job ((double thumbs up))

Afterall, I view this game as a great platform to indicates that never have the thought to give a full trust to strangers. We should never attempted  unless we really know that person. In this era, we have seen enough proof that people tend to assume people based on his own evolving physical behaviour. The intention on the inner side we cannot see. Given this fact, it is not surprising that people would be thrown in a danger of being lied. Even in my area of knowledge, they love to redefining the boudaries of strangers. Stranger are anywhere, stay aware.Good Job group 1 for the awesome contribution towards handing down this games.

Best regards,

Liyana Adlina,
2 SMBB Faculty Of Biosciences & Medical Engineering, UTM

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Attending Class Visually

Receiving a message saying that "NO CLASS FOR TODAY' yeah this is the stuff that I really want after life has been pretty hectic for me, no class is such a heaven like yeay I can spend time with my precious bed a bit longer. But .......hahaha yes you still can laying on bed but dont forget to join the online forum. So Dr gave us the question,

As a UTM's student, what are your pragmatic strategies in order to ensure that you will be employed after graduation ?

So here is my quite convincing answer :P

Hi I'm Lena! :P

Wohooo what a hottttttttttt topic, I can't deny that nowadays it is hard to secure our position in working area.Life may be harsh for fresh students who are still financially dependant as they cannot fulfill their desires with the limited money. In chasing a better chance to work, having paper qualifications alone wouldn't put us in the winner's track. But I do believe, formal education enhances a person vision to succed in life.Despite of that, teenagers like us need to start searching our soft skills in university world.We cant postpone our kind of searching potential though.As we all know, soft skills is a very wide.This soft skills will help you to go a long way in establishing the correct work ethics that will be an advantage to you later. So why not go hunt the hidden potential of you okay? :) We students, are still given some room for changing our road to adulthood.

Cheers from me, xoxo

Liyana Adlina,
2 SMBB Faculty Of Bioscience & Medical Engineering,UTM

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

The Test still on

       The day before the actual day of test happened, the whole utm were run out of electricity, andsome of us were even struggling to get some water. The situation brings us no joy to revise effectively for the test. So we just tried our luck by texting dr, with the light of hope our suggestions for postpone the test is acceptable, but yeah, we need to demolish that thought far from our mind. This is just a perfect evidence of why you should not do last minute cramming.we will actually be in a good stand when it comes to the time to prepare for the test if we having a regular revision of what being taught.

No regretslesson learned.

Best regards, 

Liyana Adlina,                                                                                                                                                           2 SMBB Faculty Of Biosciences & Medical Engineering,UTM

The Rise of Creepy Talent

At the end of the day, everyone will realize the beneficial side of every week topic that has been highlighted.As soon as the explanation starts flooding in, the topic become more understandable.Reaching to this week, you know the word knowledgeable, yes I think I consume that particular word now ahaks.

Definition: Critical thinking is the process of analysing & discover the information based on observation, self reflection, reasoning or communication as a guidance to start the action.

The part of doing activity always the exciting one. The task is every group needs to convert the happy picture below to the creepy possible story ever. How is it become possible? Wohoooo of course, the super power of thinking is needed

So we agreed Badik & Yenti will be the story teller for our group. We came out with a very good story line ((as always haha whooops)) & ready to tackle people's attention. After a moment, it's our group turn! Badik, she's so into the acting mode, I can't suppress a snort of laughter. Somehow she manage to deliver the story far well. There's a general laugh of course, everyone seems to listen attentively & looks very interested. Credits to Badik for her oustanding performance, big applause, EVERYONE IS IMPRESSED!

                             I will let this video tell you how amazing she is :P

I can conclude that the activity is a huge success. To do well will take effort and proven ability. Mostly, students fail to realise that the potential not to be found but created.You need to available yourself of all the opportunities that are given so that you can arm yourselves well with the knowledge & skills to contribute to the society in the future. Afterall , just enjoy whatever you're doing.

Best regards, 

Liyana Adlina,                                                                                                                                                           2 SMBB Faculty Of Biosciences & Medical Engineering,UTM


      Dr is kind of person who always ask us about our views on certain topic, so this time a topic about Argumentation is brought up. Argumentation require us to present our viewpoint on certain issues. State our opinion & then support our opinions with fact, examples & figures. Along with that, our arguments must be strong & effective, this situation may be required to argue on both sides of the arguments or make a stand either to be support or oppose an idea or cause. I like to be neutral hihi so it would be easy for me to have a balance view of the issue.Weighing between that, being neutral always have it easier.

Entering debate series is one of the examples of argumentation process. Just capture the idea of being a debater, you will have to speak out against anything blablabla and you have to be good at talking in public. Debate is a right platform for you to broaden your horizons in many way of life. I'm always rooting for the enthusiastic people out there who involve in debate life

The lesson went well till my attention was split. Gosh Im sleepy to the max! The thing about being sleepy is, it just hard to get away from you. One minute you're still quite calm, steady, still telling yourself, "Don't be ridiculous, you got to stay awake in this class". Im sorry Dr, I admit I make my crucial mistake & i know the chance to do anything about it is blown away. If I could go back in time....

Lena who can't resist to sleep.

Liyana Adlina,
2 SMBB Faculty Of Bioscience & Medical Engineering,UTM

HOTS Week Kind Of

 You, readers, must read my title with great interest huh?What is so hottttt for this week? Hahaha its on my plan that preparing some exciting food for your brain. On the scale of first attempt, I deserve a double thumbs up for this, right?  Pardon for that, this goes with my hyperactive nature

   HOTS is actually Higher Order Thinking Skills. Gotcha! you just need to look at this from different angle,so what I learnt is, there are 5 basics essentials 21st century skills known as

  • thinking. 
  • resilience, 
  • teamwork, 
  • communication 
  • problem solving. 

    Why HOTS is existed? Definitely one of the reason is, to escape your mind from having a narrow perspectives, to provide you with a better or clear mind, to avoid confusing mind & to never put you in a hasty or rush. By having HOTS, it reflects on a person's maturity. Nowadays.people are lack with the necessary hots skills. I do have light of hope, this is actually can be steered in the right direction when everyone starts to pull their socks up by prioritizing the knowledge of hots skills. The moment of formal education stops there. Lets get start on our activity wohooo! (I shall say,this activity is so far the best ever). Dr asked a representative from each group to come forward to take about 10 old newspapers. So from that, we have to branch out any random ideas on creating  possible materials that need to be presenting within less than 15 minutes.Tadaaaaaaa

                                           A girl is always being reffered as flower. The 5 petals                                                        symbollizes each girl in my group which are me, badik , tika , yenti & dila. 

                       The ship is a story about the togetherness we will hold for sailing along the                                    sea (1 semester). Even the hardest thing might coming our way, 
                                                          we will always unite as one
 Thinking out of the box is definitely needed when it comes to thinking matter,
in case there will be a dull moment

This activity really crack me out because each group presents their model uniqueness in their own way, even I may feel a crushing disappoinment bcs my team didn't stand as the best team, but overall so far our storyline make everyone leans forward to listen to (( sounds very biassed there hahaha ))

A blossom girl,

Liyana Adlina,
2 SMBB Faculty Of Bioscience & Medical Engineering,UTM