Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Perception & Logic

       Perception & Logic, the topic suggests for the 3rd week of this subject. Oh wowwww, time definitely fleets so fast, I still can't believe I'm here probably bcos I was at my absolute weakest on this week. But I'm okay now that's why I attempt to blog.

Perception, has always been regarded as our first impression towards something.The situation is like our first quick judgement without a proper further investigating, so it is unjustifiable to accept our perception as our solid opinion towards something ((It took me a while to find the best word to define this, I hope it doesn't confuse you, dear readers hehehe)) .During the lecture, Dr make us notice that the process of perception can be divided into 3 phases:

      (1) Phase 1
         -Sensory stimulation which involves 5 basic senses 
     (2) Phase 2
        - information received by collecting and tailing information
     (3) Phase 3
        - mind tells sensory what is that which is the mind set ready for presumption.

Okay cling with this perception style, I have one story to be shared.

"Back to my secondary years, whenever one watches television, the impression one usually receives is that the popular people are always the one who are beautiful and wealthy. Yet, my experience has told me otherwise.In my age group in school, the most popular girl is not the prettiest or the richest, but merely the one exudes charm soley by being happy and sincere. Ummi Aisyah, is not considered pretty by even the most generous standards.Yet,she has an attractive personality that makes everyone likes her. She has a ready laugh that tinkles and is highly infectious. She is always the first to see the humour in everything but that humour is not a cruel one. Even having known her for long years, she still amazes me at her good natureSo, the thing that I want to highlight is, don't stick with the universal idea of something, you're free to create your own perception after you'd experience it."

And in the middle of class, Dr asked us to define what's problem, based on our own words. As for me, problem is a ticket for me to see how tough I can withstand the hardship and be rational to come up with the best solution. Despite it shapes me to grow as a better person, you can also shock people by having a will to keep going and overcome the problem I think that's more important than anything.

Oh not only that, we also receive a lesson for logic! Logic is something that makes sense as it can be intelligible, justifiable and practiceable. There are two methods of logic which are inductive and deductive.
  • Inductive : Contains multiple premises, all believed true or found true most of the time, are combined to obtain a specific conclusion.
  • Deductive : A conclusion is based on the concordance of multiple premises that are generally assumed to be true.

Example of Inductive ((we discuss the example in our group))
Example 1
Lena is a biology student and beautiful.
Yen is a biology student and beautiful.
Badik is a biology student and beautiful.
So, all biology students are beautiful.
Example of Deductive
Example 1
All girls are sensitive.
Yenti is a girl and sensitive.
So, Yenti is a sensitive girl

Again, the activity never fails to have a good time yet still has input in it. 

Liyana Adlina,
2 SMBB Faculty of Biosciences & Medical Engineering,UTM